IMSE students recognized for Open House contributions and leadership roles


IMSE students took inspiration from the Super Mario Bros. when designing their displays and producing their skit for the 2019 Engineering Open House. Following this year’s theme of “Let the games begin!”, the skit plot involved Princess Peach, who had once again been kidnapped by Bowser, needing Mario to save her. Mario used his industrial engineering skills and knowledge to beat the Goombas, and in saving his energy by use of a warp tunnel, was able to defeat Bowser.

In the manufacturing lab display, visitors could race around a Mario Kart track on tricycles as well as build their own model go-karts with parts manufactured in the lab. They then had to determine how best to schedule a taxi service. Displays such as this helped visitors better understand ergonomics and human factors. Students also presented research posters and faculty met with prospective engineering students during the two-day event, April 5-6.

Congratulations to the following IMSE recipients of Open House awards:

  • Anna Christenson and Katherine Stachowiak, first place, Curriculum and Careers category, for their display “Stepping up to Success”
  • Dakota Angell, third place, Innovation category, for her display “Innovations in Laser-Peened Aluminum”
  • Jacob Meyer, first place, Technical (jr/sr) category, for his display “MSDA”
  • Bryce Easton, first place, Technical (fr/soph) category, for his display “Engineering and Economic Analysis of an Automated Taxi Service”
  • Fabio Vitor, third place, Graduate category, for his display “Improving Optimization Algorithms with Two-Dimensional Searches” (faculty advisor Todd Easton)
  • Chase Brokke and Lindsey Hageman, elected as St. Patrick and St. Patricia

IMSE members of honorary societies

The 2019 Knights of St. Patrick presented Graduating Senior awards to the following seven IMSE students out of the total 39 awardees: Justo Santacruz Blanco, Chase Brokke, Lindsey Hageman, Kayla Paulson, Sarah Peterson, Zach Stanley and Madeline Triggs.

Madison Tischhauser was among the 22 new members inducted into the Steel Ring Honor Society.

IMSE also recognizes the following students for their leadership contributions:

  • Cooper Bredehoeft, Erin Hartegan, Nick Nolkemper, Nathan Oswalt, Tessa Seeberger and Megan Wheeler are among the 28 new Engineering Ambassadors for 2019.
  • The Engineering Student Council was led by Chase Brokke, president and his fellow IMSE officers Mat Orzechowski, vice president; Michaela Pingel, treasurer; and Thiba Nagaraja, student engagement committee member. Michaela Pingel will become next year’s new Engineering Student Council president — the fourth IMSE student in a row to hold this post. New LIFE, or Leaders in Freshman Engineering, members are Adam Clement and Nick Nolkemper.
  • Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honorary Society officers include Wyatt VanDePol, president; Alex DeMarea, vice president-elect; Racquel Anzalone, treasurer; and Maggie Schroeder, recording secretary. Spring initiates include Blake Hunter.
  • Jansen Penny was elected K-State Student Body President for 2019-2020. He follows Jordan Kiehl in this role — the first time for back-to-back IMSE student body presidents.