IMSE Scholarships

Strecker Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
  • Must have a 3.3 or higher cumulative GPA.
  • Must be a senior in IMSE who will graduate in May, August or December.
To apply, submit the following:
  • A cover letter to include your name, contact information, and which scholarship you are applying for. Sign and date the bottom of the page.
  • A resume that includes your GPA, extracurricular activities, work experience, and community service experience.
  • An essay (one-page max) answering the following question:
    • What would you like to be remembered for at the conclusion of your engineering career?

IMSE Professional Academy Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
  • Must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
  • Sophomore, juniors and seniors in IMSE, as defined below:
    • Sophomore (30-59 credits)
    • Junior (60-89 credits)
    • Senior (90+ credits)
To apply, submit the following:
  • A cover letter to include your name, contact information, and the cumulative number of credit hours you will have completed at the end of the spring semester
  • A resume that includes your GPA
  • An essay (1,000 words max) answering the prompt below:
    • The IMSE Professional Academy and Advisory Council have worked to build the K-State Skill Xcelerator program, which launched this semester. Through this program, the department encourages students to create and complete “skill-rich” experiences that will help them achieve their personal and professional goals. In 1,000 words or fewer, describe your idea for a skill-rich project or experience, through which you can both advance the IMSE department and develop skills that will help you achieve your own personal and professional goals.

Benjamin and Jennifer Tryon Industrial Engineering Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
  • Junior, senior or master's student in the IMSE department.
  • Preference is given to U.S. citizens who have active leadership involvement in a club or organization in the IMSE department and hold a GPA of 3.25 or higher.
To apply, submit the following:
  • A resume which clearly lists your cumulative GPA and expected graduation.
  • A document that includes your name and summarizes your organizational involvement – please have separate sections that detail your involvement in organizations in the following order: 1) industrial engineering organizations; 2) engineering organizations; 3) other university organizations, and 4) other organizational involvement. Do not feel like you have to put something in every section to be competitive.

Gisela and Warren Kennedy Industrial Engineering Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
  • Must have 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA
  • Junior, senior or graduate student in the IMSE department.
To apply, submit the following:
  • General IMSE Award/Scholarship Application

Neier Family Excellence Fund for Industrial Engineering Outstanding Consulting Student Award

Deadline: April 30
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • BS and BS/MS students in the IMSE department.
To apply, submit the following
  • General IMSE Award/Scholarship application.
  • A document (no more than one page - 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins and no less than single-spaced) that summarizes why you are interested in a consulting career and what you have done/are doing to prepare yourself for a consulting career.

David Ben-Arieh Award for Exemplary Leadership and Work Ethic Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
  • Juniors, Seniors, and Master's student in the IMSE department with exemplary leadership and work ethic in and outside of the classroom.
To apply, submit the following
  • General IMSE Award/Scholarship application

Huschka Engineering Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • BS/MS and MS students in the IMSE department who are completing a thesis.
To apply, submit the following
  • General IMSE Award/Scholarship Application
  • A document that indicates that you plan to complete a thesis to earn your Master's degree. Include your thesis title/topic and the name of your major professor. Please include the thesis abstract if you already have a draft prepared.

Lynn E. Bussey Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
  • Cumulative GPA in top 20 percent of graduating class.
  • BS/MS and MS students in the IMSE department.
  • Must be U.S. citizen with preference given to residents of KS, MO, OK, or AR.
To apply, submit the following
  • General IMSE Award/Scholarship Application
  • A statement that verifies the U.S. state in which resided when you graduated from high school.

E. Stanley Lee and Yuan Lee Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Deadline: April 30
  • BS/MS and MS students in the IMSE department with outstanding performance.
To apply, submit the following
  • General IMSE Award/Scholarship Application

Email all IMSE Scholarship applications to: no later than April 30th.


Other Scholarships

National: industrial and manufacturing systems engineering
National: all engineering
University support
Carl R. Ice College of Engineering scholarships