Professional Academy

The mission of the IMSE Professional Academy is to create an ongoing and vital opportunity for alumni and friends of the K-State IMSE department to connect with each other and support the department while having fun.

The academy is always open to alumni and friends interested in engaging with the IMSE department. Founded by a small group of alumni leaders in 2012, it has now grown to over 100 members. To learn more about joining the academy, click on the following link to fill out the survey and have someone from the academy contact you. Academy Interest Survey

Why join the academy?


Academy members live all across the country and work in a wide range of industries. Joining the academy gives you easy access to successful engineers, managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, and more.

Give back

Whether you want to donate your time, your expertise, or your money, the Academy can help ensure that your generosity benefits the IMSE department in a productive and meaningful way.

Impact students' lives

The academy’s main purpose is to connect alumni to current IMSE students. The Academy Mentoring Program allows students to develop a relationship with an IMSE alumnus and learn vital professional skills. And the benefits go both ways—mentoring can provide new perspectives on the industry from up-and-coming professionals. Plus, research shows that mentoring others helps professionals grow in technical expertise, managerial skills, and leadership capacity.

In addition, the academy awards scholarships annually to IMSE students who demonstrate academic excellence, helping to ease the financial burdens of education so students can focus more on learning and professional development.

Have fun

Tailgates, casual mixer events with students, Open House activities—the academy provides many great opportunities for alumni to get together and have a good time.